Sunday, November 16, 2008

4 weeks and 4 days

Yep, that's right 4 weeks and 4 days of school left and I am not counting. Caitlin technically finished school on Friday she just has 4 exams to do now spread out over 10 days.OMG then she is in year 12. Well we went driving today and Andrew came with us, we actually ventured out onto Marshall road and had to go up to 80km's I was hanging on tight.Then Tracey we were up in your neighbourhood we made it up to Glenview shops. Boy was I glad to get home. Caitlin says that she is never having driving lessons with her dad.(I did warn her) I think that I will just brave the roads around here with her until she has proper driving instructions. Now to my LO of which Andrew does not want me to post. This LO is copied from this months sketch from Basic Grey and of course done with the Granola papers. As I say quite often I love BG. And of course I had to use more Craft Queen ribbon and one of my new stamps.
I am very lucky to have this man, as well as doing the gardens he helps with all the cleaning and does the vacuuming the only things he doesn't do is iron and cook. There is a negative to this; that when you live with a neat freak you feel that you have to tidy up all of the time.
It's a beautiful day here and we are going to have a BBQ tonight so I had better go and make some salad.
Hope you all have a good week and thanks for stopping by


Nina said...

cool LO Linda, you will have to load it on the Basic Grey site in their gallery!!

suzitee said...

LOL Linda...what is it with these men not liking their photos shared? You have done a beautiful job with Granola (I love BG too!!!), and why not submit it?
You are a brave woman, taking to the road with an L plater!
Enjoy your BBQ...yum!